Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bravelle, HCG....sigh...rinse and repeat!

Next comes the injections. Imagine this, you get your period and you go in for your ultrasound. You get the green light to start injections. Each day you mix up the little vials of purified nun urine that is needed to stimulate egg production. Daily injections in the belly, followed by frequent ultrasounds to monitor the development of the follicles. Great 2 nice follicles develop, now take the HCG shot in the leg. Yes it hurts for 2 days afterwards, but it will all be worth it in the end right?

36 hours later after hubby "produces" the needed sample, his contribution is washed, spun, and deposited into my readied I use nasty progesterone suppositories for 2 weeks until we find out the news....I am not pregnant.

Time to have the ultrasound and start the injections again.

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