Sunday, March 2, 2008

Re-consult with MD

On Wednesday we are having a reconsult with our MD. We have a few questions for him including:
1) Is there any way we can try another cycle with Dawn?
2) Could the results be better if we changed her medications or her protocol?
3) What are the chances of success if we use Dawn again?
4) If we decided to use Dawn again would you support us in our decision?
5) We have a friend of the family who is 19 years old and in college, clinic protocol says the donor should be twenty years old. Is there any way we can use her?
6) What are the relative chances of success if we use the younger donor vs my sister?
7) Would another clinic allow us to use a younger donor or is this an industry standard?

Wish us luck and pray for success!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck!
I'll be thinking of you and hoping the answers are exactly what you need and want to hear!!