Saturday, April 26, 2008

The sacrifices we make...

For those who know me, this will come as a complete shock. I have stopped drinking diet coke...I know...I know...can you believe it? I am on day 6 now, and aside from one killer headache and a couple of swollen feet I have faired very well. However, I have just finished a bowl of vegetable soup and what would be better than a cold diet coke to wash it down with? This flavored water is great, but I am afraid it is just not the same.....

SO why have I done this??? Well thanks to Kaiser for publishing this article (NOT)
that and given that we lost the baby earlier this year, and that I have the guilt of a good Catholic or Jewish girl (although I do not happen to be either)

6 whole days without caffeine....this May be a bigger miracle than actually having a baby! I have certainly had a child since I started drinking diet coke!

Wish me luck for the stressful weeks ahead!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! The article...I LIVED off Hot chocolate with my son...WOW! Incredible!

I'm not pregnant and I couldn't imagine giving up the Diet Coke....good luck! You're almost over the worst part!!