Monday, January 28, 2008

The Dreaded 2 Week Wait!

We are now experiencing the 2 week wait. We are waiting to see if we are indeed pregnant. If all goes well our little embies will continue to to grow, hatch out of their shells, and implant into the lining of the uterus. Then HCG will be released into the blood stream causing a pregnancy test to come back positive. During this time we are supposed to relax and let nature take over.

Well that is all good and well except, you can't do a darn thing to relax. Upon Discharge I received my Post Embryo Transfer Instructions Sheet. The list of things to avoid during the 2 week wait include: Caffiene, alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, exercise, sex or any other strenuous activity including riding my exercise bike, and worst of all no baths! I thought I was supposed to be relaxing?

Interestingly, there is no restriction on psychotic-like web surfing to uncover the causes for everything that has, will, and could go wrong during fertilization and implantation of an embryo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no drinks?
no drugs?
no SEX?!?

That's basically my go-to list for relaxation- and minus the excercise and baths, well there's nothing left!

They might as well tell you to go home and obsess becasue you're not allowed to do anythig else.