Friday, January 25, 2008

Make that 2 excellent eggies.....

Well our two embryos are growing. This group of eggs are already showing true Laubach characteristics. There are the truly difficult ones and then the over-achievers. The difficult ones are no longer a part of the picture. The over-achievers and yes there are still two of them, are the highest grade. One is a 4 cell and one is a 5 cell embryo today. The transfer will take place tomorrow at 11:00 AM. Once again any thoughts prayers or good wishes are appreciated!

This could be perfect, exactly what we need and no extras to worry about.

Keep good thoughts.



Unknown said...

Very exciting!!! Good luck tomorrow morning at 11 -- we are rooting for you!!!

Unknown said...

I am not going to hypothesize about which of the Laubachs are difficult and which are over-achievers. In the meantime, I am sending "get pregnant & stay pregnant!" vibes your way:
Good Luck! I can't wait for another (difficult and over-achieving) Laubach! (or two!)

Unknown said...

I am not even going to hypothesize about which Laubachs are the difficult ones and which are the over-achievers. I just can't wait for the newest difficult AND overachieving Laubach(s) to arrive! Think of all the Christmases we have yet to ruin! In the meantime, I'm sending get pregnant/stay pregnant fertility vibes your way: