Friday, February 8, 2008

HCG Calculator

Here is a link that I was directed to by one of the members of my Mothers Via Egg Donation yahoo group.

I was 60 at 14 DPO and 95 2 days later

I did my numbers and although the comments said slower than expected growth with 95, it said adequate with 96. We are not that far off the mark, and I am really feeling positive this time. I feel pregnant, last night I was even in the bathroom having dry heaves. I am tired, have heartburn, and I am short of breath. I am listening to my body, it is saying you are pregnant girl!

And besides, what control do I have over it anyway? It is what it is and I can't change it. We have never gotten this far before and even if it does not work out, I have to keep reminding myself that we are truly blessed!




Kathy said...

I will keep you in my prayers.God bless.

Unknown said...

you may have discovered the only instance on the planet in which dry-heaves are a good thing.

Good luck and ask your husband to clean the toilet. :)