This morning I woke up at around 6 am and went downstairs to let the dog out and to collect another one of those wonderful pee sticks. Because the one from last night I knew had been negative, I was not very hopeful that I would see anything.
I waited for the test to complete and at 3 minutes I looked. At first I did not see much. The I noticed a very very very faint line. I turned the light on brighter and looked again, still not sure it was there. So I laid down on the couch and went back to sleep.
Last night when the test had been negative, my husband and I joked that the test was defective. When he woke up and came downstairs, he asked me if we had used another defective test this morning. I told him I keep imagining there is a second very faint line there. He looks and says, "there is...we are pregnant". I, still not entirely certain, asked "are you sure" so then of course I have to try it again.
So now, in around 12 hours, we have used 3 of our 5 pregnancy tests. The second test showed the same faint line as the other am test. My husband now says the one from last night has a faint pink line as well, but it is almost like we wish it to be there so now we can see it.
I woke up my 13 year old daughter and she confirmed she can see a second line as well. Hooray!
Our beta is not until Wednesday, but we are cautiously optimistic that we are heading in the right direction.
Please continue all the good thoughts, prayers, chants, Buddha belly rubbing, incense burning and bead rubbing, Who knows, we just may be lucky this time!