Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof

Considering the temperature in the Bay Area is in the 90s this week, that is really saying something. I have been awake since 5 am, hoping to get a phone call from the MD saying not to come in and that the embryos are doing well. We hope that the embryos are healthy and that they are going to be transferred at the blastocyst stage. I know the people scheduled in early this morning are the first priority, so I am trying to be patient. I am just so nervous.

The forecast indicates a high of 98 degrees and my 13 year old daughter is going to an amusement park with her friends. She is no longer a little girl, but not yet a woman. However, the time has come when she is able venture out into this world on her own (or at least to Great America with a group of friends). I worry that they will not drink enough water or that they will become ill in the heat, and what about the sun? I sure hope they reapply sunscreen frequently!

Whether they are 3 day embryos or a 13 year old young lady, a Mom never stops worrying!

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