Friday, June 27, 2008

Obsessively peeing on sticks

It is about that time again. My hubby went to the store this evening and bought 5 pregnancy tests. I figure there are 5 mornings between now and the beta (blood pregnancy test) and I will have one for each day.

Yeah well here is the problem, I love them little sticks....and it is kinda like having a big brownie in the house when you are on a diet. You feel drawn to them, you can't stop thinking about them. You open the package just to read the directions (like you do not already know them by heart. You feel the foil package in your hands. Your heart races.

You run into the bathroom and even though it is 8 pm in the evening and not your morning urine, you do not care.

Then you wonder why the darn thing is negative.

You keep staring at it thinking the faint line will magically appear, you tilt it in the light, you squint. In disgust you throw it down. 5 minute later you pick it up again and recheck...shoot still not positive.

Oh well I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to try again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am anxiously awaiting word of your "peeing on a stick" test this morning (Saturday). As I do my least favorite thing in the world, mopping the floor, I am praying.
I love the name Grace. Some of the others I love considerably less. I am a big believer in traditional names and spellings. I wanted to name Sarah "Emily," but Vince wanted to keep trying for a Sarah.
Now, for a boy, I like Timothy, but Matthew may prefer to name a boy after his uncle Barnabas, nee Urban. Just kidding. There are no Davids in the family. I think choosing a name is one of the most enjoyable parts of bearing a child.
Love and prayers,
Kathy the Mother-in-Law