Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You forgot to do what?

So, I went to the clinic this morning and that stupid cyst was still there....like a big fat goose egg. I hate you cyst! Just for that I am attacking you with more chocolate cookies tonight!

Anyway, so I had my blood drawn. The deal is that my hormone levels have to be down, so I waited very patiently...or not. When I finally get the call, I am told I have to wait until tomorrow for the results because they forgot to run the progesterone level and now the lab is closed, "they come in early you know".....yes I do know, I was there at 7:00 am when they opened the doors for Pete's sake!

SO here I am waiting patiently...or not. If I had been a good student in the mind body class I would be taking deep breaths and allowing the breath to massage my ovaries and break up that cyst. Instead, I am engaging in more chocolate therapy!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry! I'll make the sacrifice and eat some chocolate for you, too!